Angela Schoellig elected to IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Administrative Committee

UofT Robotics Institute professor Angela Schoellig (UTIAS) was recently elected to the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) Administrative Committee. The committee is responsible for the overall management of the RAS, which has over 15,000 members. Schoellig is one of only six new members elected to the committee this year; see the full newly elected committee here.

The RAS society aims to support its members by fostering the advancement of innovation, education, and fundamental and applied research in robotics and automation. They strive for the advancement of the theory and practice of robotics and automation engineering and science and of the allied arts and sciences by providing opportunities for collaboration with peers, communication of the latest technological developments, and career development possibilities.

Schoellig serves on the committee as the Area 1 Representative, which covers North and South America. She began her three-year term on January 1.

Congratulations, Angela!