Thursday November 04, 2022 1pm ET

3-Minute Thesis Competition

In three minutes or less, present your robotics thesis or research paper to a panel of diverse judges. Register by October 23 to compete.


3MT Awards Presentation

The 1st Prize Winner will go on to represent the Robotics Institute at the UofT 3MT Finals


Three-Minute Thesis Competition

Copy of Blue Maroon Robots Science Fair Poster (1)

It took you months to write your research paper.
Now you've got three minutes.

The Robotics Institute Three Minute Thesis Competition is a fun and informal chance to distill your research and hone your presentations skills for a general audience. You'll develop the skills needed to present complex research information in an engaging, accessible, and compelling way.

Eligibililty & Registration

The Robotics Institute 3MT Competition is open to all graduate (Masters and PhD) students and Post Docs who are supervised by University of Toronto Robotics Institute faculty.

You may present your thesis or recent research.

Limited competition spots are available.


3MT Presenters

Heat 1
Heat 2

Adam Heins from Dynamic Systems Lab
The Robot Waiter: A Solution to Your Object Transportation Needs

Yunqi Huang from Space Robotics Group
Computational dynamics of Neo-Hebbian framework

Connor Holmes from Autonomous Space Robotics Lab
Certifiable Optimality for Robotics Problems

Philip Huang from Robot Vision and Learning Lab Stochastic
Planning for ASV Navigation Using Satellite Images​

Xia Wu from Microfluidics and BioMEMS Lab
Crawling Exercise as Rehabilitation in C. Elegans for Neural Circuit Identifications

Zhanfeng Zhou from Microfluidics and BioMEMS Lab
A Soft Robotic Hand Can be Everywhere in Your Daily Life

Haley Mayer from Microrobotics & CIGITI Lab
Designing a Helping Hand for Endoscopic Gastrointestinal Cancer Removal

Sven Lilge from Continuum Robotics Lab Parallel
Continuum Robots: Collaboration in Confined Spaces

Xiaoyun Liu from Microrobotics Lab
State Estimation of Microrobots Using Ultrasound Feedback

Hanna Zhang from Continuum Robotics Lab
Going the Distance: Distance-Geometric Inverse Kinematics for Continuum Robots


Three awards will be presented: 1st prize, 2nd prize, and 3rd prize. The 1st Prize Winner will be eligible to enter directly into the UofT 3MT Finals.


First place: Sven Lilge

Second place: Zhanfeng (Jason) Zhou

Third place: Philip Huang

Honorable Mention: Hanna Zhang


We will follow the standard 3MT rules to help prepare Robotics Institute students for upcoming conferences and poster talks:

  • Presentations are limited to 3 minutes maximum. Competitors exceeding 3 minutes will be muted when their time is up.
  • Presentations may use only one slide, no video.
  • No additional props are permitted.
  • You may present your thesis or other recent research.

Competitors wishing to compete in the UofT 3MT Finals are advised to review the official UofT 3MT Rules.


Elsbeth Brown

Elsbeth Brown

Professor & Interim Associate Vice Principal Research
University of Toronto Mississauga

Matthew Aiken

Matthew Aiken

Innovation Lead - Supply Chain Advisory
Toronto Global

Ramzi Asfour

Ramzi Asfour

Associate Director (Administration)
Ingenuity Labs Research Institute at Queen's University

Judging Criteria

Presentations will be assessed according to the criteria listed below. Please note that each criterion is equally weighted.

  • Did the presenter use language and terminology that was clear and understandable?
  • Was the pace of the talk effective?
  • Did the presenter use non-verbal communication (i.e., eye contact, voice modulation, body language, etc.) effectively?
  • Did the slide(s) enhance, rather than detract from, the talk — were they clear, legible, and concise?
  • Did the talk help you to understand the scholarly research and creativity?
  • Did the presenter clearly outline the nature and purpose of the scholarly research and creativity?
  • Did the presenter clearly indicate what is interesting about the scholarly research and creativity?
  • Did the talk follow a logical sequence?
  • Was the talk engaging?
  • Did the talk inspire you to want to know more?
  • Did the presenter convey enthusiasm for their work?
  • Did the presenter capture and maintain your attention?

How to Prepare

It took you months to write your research paper.
Now you've got just 3 minutes.

Are you ready to compete?