UofT Program for ICRA 2021

A chronological listing of all ICRA 2021 events involving UofT researchers
*all times in EASTERN TIME

Monday, May 31


Workshop 6:50 – 11:30: Radar Perception for All-Weather Autonomy

9:30 – 10:00  Tim Barfoot:  Radar, Warts and All:  Progress Towards Spinning Radar Navigation


Workshop 9:00 – 17:00 Robust Perception For Autonomous Field Robots in Challenging Environments

15:50-16:10 Tim Barfoot: Dark, Damp, and Dynamic: Recent Progress on Robotic Localization in Challenging Environments, followed by panel discussion


Workshop 9:00 – 19:00 Workshop on Visual-Inertial Navigation Systems

15:45 – 15:30 Jonathan Kelly: A Question of Time: Revisiting Temporal Calibration for Visual-Inertial Navigation


21:00 – 22:00

TuAT2: Manipulation Award – Chair Eric Diller


22:15 – 22:30

TuBT23.2: Applications of Robotic Exploration

LEAF: Latent Exploration Along the Frontier

Homanga Bharadhwaj, Animesh Garg, Florian Shkurti 


Tuesday, June 1


10:00 – 11:00

TuP2L  Plenary Session CESAR: Committee to Explore Synergies in Automation and Robotics

Speaker: Animesh Garg (among many others), Moderator: Yu Sun


12:00 – 12:45

TuKNT3  Keynote Session I, Continuum Robot

Speaker: Jessica Burgner Kahrs


05:15 – 05:30 

TuDT4.2: Best Student Paper Award Session

Unsupervised Learning of Lidar Features for Use in a Probabilistic Trajectory Estimator

David Juny Yoon, Haowei Zhang, Mona Gridseth, Hugues Thomas, Timothy Barfoot


13:00 – 13:15

TuHT6.1: Machine Learning 

MCMC Occupancy Grid Mapping with a Data-Driven Patch Prior

Rehman Merali, Timothy Barfoot 


13:30 – 14:30

TuHT19: Continuum Robotics I 

Chair Jessica Burgner-Kahrs, Co-chair Farshid Alambeigi


13:30 – 13:45

TuHT19.3: Continuum Robotics I 

Using Euler Curves to Model Continuum Robots

Priyanka Rao, Quentin Peyron, Jessica Burgner-Kahrs 


14:00 – 15:00 

TuIT16: Field Robotics: Machine Learning

Chair Angela Schoellig


14:00pm – 14:15

TuIT8.1: Localization and Mapping XI

Do We Need to Compensate for Motion Distortion and Doppler Effects in Spinning Radar Navigation?

Keenan Burnett, Angela P. Schoellig, Timothy Barfoot


TuIT16.1: Field Robotics: Machine Learning

Meta Learning with Paired Forward and Inverse Models for Efficient Receding Horizon Control Christopher McKinnon, Angela P. Schoellig


14:00 – 14:15

TuIT21.1: Aerial Robotics: Sensing and Control

UAV Localization Using Autoencoded Satellite Images

Mollie Bianchi, Timothy Barfoot 


14:15 – 14:30 

TuIT8.2: Localization and Mapping XI

Unsupervised Learning of Lidar Features for Use in a Probabilistic Trajectory Estimator

David Juny Yoon, Haowei Zhang, Mona Gridseth, Hugues Thomas, Timothy Barfoot


14:30 – 14:45

TuIT9.3: Legged Robots II

Dynamics Randomization Revisited: A Case Study for Quadrupedal Locomotion

Zhaoming Xie, Xingye Da, Michiel van de Panne, Buck Babich, Animesh Garg


TuIT19.3: Continuum Robotics II

Design of a Reconfigurable Parallel Continuum Robot with Tendon-Actuated Kinematic Chains Georg Böttcher, Sven Lilge, Jessica Burgner-Kahrs


14:45 – 15:00

TuIT17.4: Human-Centered Robotics II

Robots Asking for Favors: The Effects of Directness and Familiarity on Persuasive HRI

Shane Saunderson, Goldie Nejat


15:00 – 16:00

TuJT23: Aerial Robotics: Learning and Adaptive Systems 

Chair Angela Schoellig


15:00 – 15:15

TuJT2.1: Manipulation Reinforcement Learning I

Shaping Rewards for Reinforcement Learning with Imperfect Demonstrations Using Generative Models

Yuchen Wu, Melissa Mozifian, Florian Shkurti


TuJT23: Aerial Robotics: Learning and Adaptive Systems

Learning-Based Bias Correction for Time Difference of Arrival Ultra-Wideband Localization of Resource- Constrained Mobile Robots 

Wenda Zhao, Jacopo Panerati, Angela P. Schoellig


15:15 – 15:30

TuJT22.2: Automation: Machine Learning I

Continual Model-Based Reinforcement Learning with Hypernetworks 

Yizhou Huang, Kevin Xie, Homanga Bharadhwaj, Florian Shkurti


15:45 – 16:00

TuJT2.4: Manipulation: Reinforcement Learning I

LASER: Learning a Latent Action Space for Efficient Reinforcement Learning 

Roberto Martín-Martín, Arthur Allshire, Charles Lin, Shawn Manuel, Silvio Savarese, Animesh Garg


TuJT11.4: Learning-Based Motion Planning II

Perceive, Attend, and Drive: Learning Spatial Attention for Safe Self-Driving 

Bob Wei, Mengye Ren, Wenyuan Zeng, Ming Liang, Bin Yang, Raquel Urtasun


16:00 – 16:15 

TuKT8.1: Localization and Mapping: Sensor Fusion I

Asynchronous Multi-View SLAM 

Anqi Joyce Yang, Can Cui, Ioan Andrei Bârsan, Raquel Urtasun, Shenlong Wang


TuKT10.1: Localization and Control 

Model Predictive Control for Cooperative Hunting in Obstacle Rich and Dynamic Environments

Jacky Liao, Che Liu, Hugh Liu 


16:30 – 16:45

TuKT11.3: Learning-BasedMotion Planning III 

Deep Structured Reactive Planning 

Jerry Liu, Wenyuan Zeng, Raquel Urtasun, Ersin Yumer


Wednesday,  June 2


03:10 – 04:10

WeBT4: Multiple and Distributed Systems V

Chair: Xingjian Liu



WeBT4.4: Multiple and Distributed Systems V

Simultaneous Calibration of Multi-Coordinates for a Dual-Robot System by Solving the AXB=YCZ Problem 

Gang Wang, Li Wen-long, Cheng Jiang, Dahu Zhu, He Xie, Xingjian Liu, Han Ding


03:10 – 04:10

WeCT2: Novel Applications II

Chair: Zhuoan Zhang


Thursday, June 3


13:00 – 14:00

ThHT7: Time Delay Systems

Co-Chair: Mohammad Al Janaideh


13:00 – 13:15

ThHT11.1: Robotic Perception I

Self-Guided Instance-Aware Network for Depth Completion and Enhancement

Zhongzhen Luo, Fengjia Zhang, Guoyi Fu, Jiajie Xu


13:30 – 13:45

ThHT5.3: Vision-Based Control 

Uncertainty Constrained Differential Dynamic Programming in Belief Space for Vision Based Robots 

Shatil Rahman, Steven Waslander


13:45 – 14:00

ThHT7.4: Time Delay Systems 

The Effect of Input Signals Time-Delay on Stabilizing Traffic with Autonomous Vehicles

Isam Al-Darabsah, Mohammad Al Janaideh, Sue Ann Campbell


14:00 – 15:00

ThIT19: Multi-View Perception

Chair: Steve Waslander


14:00 – 14:15

ThIT19.1: Multi-View Perception

Probabilistic Multi-View Fusion of Active Stereo Depth Maps for Robotic Bin-Picking

Jun Yang, Dong Li, Steve Waslander


ThIT22.1: Motion Control for Manipulators I

Emergent Hand Morphology and Control from Optimizing Robust Grasps of Diverse Objects

Xinlei Pan, Animesh Garg, Anima Anandkumar, Yuke Zhu


14:00 – 14:15

ThIT4:  Vision and Perception:  Self-Supervised Learning

Self-Supervised Learning of Lidar Segmentation for Autonomous Indoor Navigation

Hugues Thomas, Ben Agro, Mona Gridseth, Jian Zhang, Tim Barfoot


15:00 – 16:00

ThJT1: Vision and Perception: Auto-Calibration

Co-Chair: Jonathan Kelly


15:15 – 15:30

ThJT1.2: Vision and Perception: Auto-Calibration
A Continuous-Time Approach for 3D Radar to Camera Extrinsic Calibration

Emmett Wise, Juraj Peršić, Christopher Grebe, Ivan Petrovic, Jonathan Kelly


15:30 – 15:45

Learned Camera Gain and Exposure Control for Improved Visual Feature Detection and Matching

Justin Tomasi, Brandon Wagstaff, Steven Lake Waslander, Jonathan Kelly


16:00 – 17:00

ThKT6: Micro/Nano Robotics I

Chair Eric Diller, Co-chair Changsheng Dai


ThKT8 Soft Sensors and Materials

Chair Xinyu Liu, Co-chair Nikhil Chopra


16:00 – 16:15

ThKT6.1: Micro/Nano Robotics I 

Tailored Magnetic Torsion Springs for Miniature Magnetic Robots

Cameron Forbrigger, Adam Schonewille, Eric Diller


ThKT8.1: Soft Sensors and Materials

A Soft Robotic Gripper with Anti-Freezing Ionic Hydrogel-Based Sensors for Learning-Based Object Recognition 

Runze Zuo, Zhanfeng Zhou, Binbin Ying, Xinyu Liu


16:30 – 16:45

ThKT7.3: Micro/Nano Robotics III 

Path Planning and Tracking for an Underactuated Two-Microrobot System

Mohammad Salehizadeh, Eric Diller


16:45 – 17:00

ThKT6.4: Micro/Nano Robotics I

Automated End-Effector Alignment for Robotic Cell Manipulation

Changsheng Dai, Songlin Zhuang, Zhuoran Zhang, Guanqiao Shan, Yu Sun


Friday, June 4


Workshop: 08:00 – 16:00 Debates on the Future of Robotics Research Workshop

Co-organized by Matthew Giamou, Florian Shkurti, Jonathan Kelly


Workshop: 10:00 – 15:00 Perception and Action in Dynamic Environments

With Raquel Urtasun, among others


Workshop: 2:30am – 13:00 Parallel robots or not parallel robots? New frontiers of parallel robotics

08:30 Keynote given by Jessica Burgner-Kahrs: Parallel Continuum Robot – Reconfigurable Designs