Posts Tagged: Florian Shkurti
Florian Shkurti receives a AI2050 fellowships from Schmidt Sciences to advance research that harnesses AI's full potential to serve humanity.
A new partnership between Florian Shkurti and Igor Gilitschenski and Toyota Research Institute aims to ensure safe and reliable human-robot interaction.
The technology behind self-driving cars has been racing ahead – and as long as they are cruising along familiar streets, seeing familiar sights, they do very well. But the University of Toronto’s Florian Shkurti says that when driverless vehicles encounter something unexpected, all that progress can come screeching to a halt.
Robotics Institute faculty member Florian Shkurti won an Amazon worldwide Research Award for his proposal on generating physically realizable adversarial driving scenarios via differentiable physics and rendering simulators.
Lieutenant Governor Liz Dowdeswell visits UTM's growing robotics research cluster.
Meet UTM's recent robotics hires: Animesh Garg, Jessica Burgner-Kahrs & Florian Shkurti. And this is simply the start of UTM's robotics cluster: there are plans to add between two and four additional faculty to the group.
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